Today, December 6, five players from Team India are celebrating their birthdays together. Today is the birthday of Jasprit Bumrah, Shreyas Iyer, Ravindra Jadeja, RP Singh, and Karun Nair. Bumrah, who led India to victory in many matches with his sharp bowling, has turned 30. Meanwhile, Iyer is celebrating his 29th birthday today.
Jasprit Bumrah, one of the most successful fast bowlers on Team India, is celebrating his 30th birthday today. His performance in the recently concluded World Cup 2023 was brilliant, as he took 20 wickets in 11 matches. Bumrah has also achieved the unique feat of scoring 35 runs in one over in Test cricket.
The star batsman of Team India, Shreyas Iyer, turns 29 today. He also performed amazingly in the recently concluded World Cup 2023 and scored two consecutive centuries. Iyer scored 530 runs in 11 matches at an average of 66.25.
Today Ravindra Jadeja is celebrating his 35th birthday. Jadeja is considered one of the best all-rounders not only in India but also in the world. Jadeja has led Team India to victory in many matches on the basis of his batting and bowling. Jaddu has also played an important role in making the Chennai Super Kings the champion in the IPL on the basis of his game.
Today is also the birthday of Karun Nair. He is one of the few batsmen to score a triple century in Test cricket. Karun has turned 32 years old. He has played a total of six test matches for India and scored 374 runs during this period. Karun scored 46 runs in two matches played in ODI cricket. Karun has been out of the Indian team for a long time, and he played his last international match in the year 2017.
Former Indian fast bowler RP Singh, who bowled brilliantly in the T20 World Cup played in 2007, is also celebrating his 38th birthday today. RP played 14 Tests, 58 ODIs, and 10 T-20 matches in his international career. During this period, the fast bowler took 40 wickets in the Test, 69 in the ODI, and 15 wickets in the T-20.