The captain of the Indian cricket team, Rohit Sharma, along with ViratKohli and a few other players, are going to start their practice session on Monday before the three-match ODI series against Sri Lanka, which is going to start on August 2nd. While the Indian T20 international team under the captaincy of Surya Kumar Yadav will play the third and final match on Tuesday in Pallekele, Rohit, Kohli, and a few others, like rookie HarshitRana, will train in Colombo after reaching the island nation’s capital on Sunday.
Nearly a month after Rohit, Kohli, and Kuldeep Yadav helped India win the T20 World Cup in the Americas for the second time they will hit the ground.
The ODIs against Sri Lanka will also mark the return of ShreyasIyer to the national side. It was in late 2023 that Iyer last played a limited-overs match for India, against South Africa in December.
The squad also features Delhi all-rounder Rana, who was a member of the IPL-winning Kolkata Knight Riders’ team earlier this year.
These players will train under India assistant coach Abhishek Nayar in Colombo.