The former cricketer of the Indian Cricket Team, Akash Chopra, shared his excitement for the thrilling encounter between the Mumbai Indians and Gujarat Titans in qualifier 2 of the IPL 2023 on Friday. He believes that even though the Mumbai Indians will be difficult to beat, the Gujarat Titans cannot be taken lightly. The former cricketer also emphasised the quality of both teams and pointed out that the Titans remained at the top of the points table consistently and also qualified for the playoffs easily.
Chopra said on his YouTube channel that "it will not be easy to beat Mumbai. Gujarat is also a good team. Don't take Gujarat lightly because they remain number one continuously throughout the tournament." Once they became number 1, they didn't go down after that and qualified extremely easily."
He further said that "there was no pressure on them to win the last match. Others fortunes were in their hands. So I feel it will be an extremely beautiful encounter. It is 50-50. I am not saying anything; whoever places well should win. What difference does it make to us? We should get to see a good match."