The pace sensation of Chennai Super Kings Rajvardhan Hangargekar had his first meet and greet event, and it was quite memorable. In the event, Hangargekar was very well supported by the captain cool MS Dhoni and bowling coach Dwayne Barvo. CSK shared a video of the event on their social media account, and that video quickly went viral. The game was marked by lighthearted banter and camaraderie between the players, which reflected the team’s spirit and unity.
The video was shared by CSK with the caption, "Extra Love and Banter! That’s how Raj’s first-ever meet and greet went by." In the video, MS Dhoni said, "Raj ko sabse zayada time laga ready hone mein." After this, he asked Raj, "Pehla event hai?" to which Raj replied with a nod in agreement.
Then the host of the event also asked Rajvardhan how he was feeling, and Raj replied, "Good evening, everyone. I am very happy to be here. Mahi Bhaiya said, Ki Jitna zayada hum is event ko fun or hasi mazak kr sakte hain utna try karenge." MS Dhoni, who is known for his witty responses, said, "Basically Bol raha hai ki iski no-ball ke bare mein koi baat nhi karega."
Rajvardhan was very excited and also humbled by the support of his captain and his teammates.