Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma humbly requested her friends to avoid asking her for the tickets ahead of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup, which is set to be held in India. The 35-year-old Bollywood actress re-posted the hilarious statement of her husband, Virat Kohli, on her Instagram handle.
The cricketer, who is globally known as a run machine, wrote, "As we approach the World Cup, I would humbly like to let all my friends know to not request me for tickets at all through the tournament."
Kohli suggested all his friends enjoy the upcoming matches from their homes.
In response, the actress made a similar request, urging her friends for their cooperation.
"And let me just add... please don’t request me to help if your messages get unanswered. Thank you for your understanding," she added a bunch of humorous emojis to her note.