The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has confirmed that no assurance can be given to Rohit Sharma regarding his place in the T20 squad. Earlier, there were reports that Rohit wanted assurance from the apex body before agreeing to lead the team in the global tournament, which will be played in the West Indies and USA in June next year.
Jay Shah, who is the Secretary of the BCCI, has confirmed that no assurance can be given to Rohit regarding his selection in the T20 team. There is a belief that Rohit should be made a part of the squad for the June 3–30 ICC tournament, and some media reports indicate that the 36-year-old has sought clarity on his role in the T20 team.
Rohit hasn’t played a T20I since the last T20 World Cup, and Suryakumar Yadav was recently appointed Team India’s captain for the three-match T20I series against South Africa in Hardik Pandya’s absence.
Jay Shah said, “We have a T20I series against Afghanistan and the Indian Premier League before the T20 World Cup, and we will take a good decision.”