India women's cricket team captain Harmanpreet Kaur said that India would not take Bangladesh's cricket team lightly in the upcoming three-match WT20I series. The Indian captain said that the Tigresses are competitive in home conditions and cannot be taken lightly by any means.
The first game of the three-match T20I series will take place on Sunday, July 8, at the Sher-e-Bangla National Stadium in Dhaka. Harmanpreet said that India’s goal is to focus on the positives going into the 20-over series.
Harmanpreet said that "They are a very good side, and they always play really good cricket in home conditions. They are very competitive when they are playing good cricket, and we just want to keep things very simple. Whatever things always gave us a result, we just want to focus on those. We are not going to think about who is better or who is bad. We just want to focus on good cricket, and that is our goal."