The star of Bollywood Katrina Kaif says the unbeaten run of the Indian cricket team in the 2023 World Cup has been a "delight to watch," and she is now rooting for Captain Rohit Sharma and his men to lift the trophy in the final on Sunday. After 10 victories in as many games, India is going to face Australia in the summit clash at Ahmedabad's Narendra Modi Stadium. The encounter between the two top teams will turn out to be phenomenal, said Katrina, whose latest film "Tiger 3" with Salman Khan has emerged as a box office success.
Katrina said, "I'm cheering for Team India; they have played phenomenally well. This entire World Cup has been such a delight to watch.”
He further added, "Of course, Virat Kohli is also my neighbour, and Anushka Sharma is my neighbour, so I'm even more happy to see that... I'm cheering them on, and I'm sure Team India is going to be phenomenal.”
The Indian team, led by skipper Sharma, entered the final after beating New Zealand in the semifinal in Mumbai's Wankhede Stadium on Wednesday.