Former captain of the India Cricket Team, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, successfully underwent left knee surgery in a Mumbai hospital on Thursday. Dhoni, who led CSK to their fifth IPL title, had flown to Mumbai from Ahmedabad after the final on Monday and consulted renowned sports orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Dinshaw Pardiwala, who is also on the BCCI medical panel and has performed surgeries on a number of top Indian cricketers, including Rishabh Pant.
A person close to the management of CSK said, "Yes, Dhoni has had a successful knee surgery at the Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai on Thursday. He is doing fine and will be released in a day or two. He would be resting for a few days before his extensive rehabilitation started. It is now expected that he will have enough time to get fit to play in the next IPL."
Dhoni had played the entire season with heavy strapping on his left knee, and while he looked absolutely fine during wicket-keeping, he came into bat as low as No. 8 at times and didn't look in his element while running between the wickets.
On Wednesday, the CEO of CSK, Kashi Viswanathan, said that whether Dhoni wants to undergo surgery is going to be completely the iconic captain's call.