Former players of team India, Gautam Gambhir and S. Sreesanth, were embroiled in an on-field spat during their Legends League cricket match on Wednesday. Both cricketers were part of the 2007 T20 World Cup and the 2011 ODI World Cup winning squads for the Indian cricket team, and their argument has resulted in some of their former colleagues weighing in on the topic. Gambhir took to social media to post an old picture of himself along with the caption, "Smile when the world is all about attention!". Ex-India all-rounder Irfan Pathan was quick to react to the picture, as he wrote, "Smile is the best answer, brother."
Sreesanth alleged that ex-India teammate Gambhir called him a "fixer."
The two World Cup-winning players were involved in a heated exchange during an eliminator match between the Indian Capitals and Gujarat Giants here on Wednesday. The umpires had to intervene and separate the two players.