Chennai Super Kings lifted their fifth IPL title on Monday after defeating Gujarat Titans by five wickets in the finals of IPL 2023. The final match got interrupted a number of times because of rain, and CSK got a revised target of 171 runs to be chased in 15 overs. The match went down to the wire when Ravindra Jadeja hit a boundary on the very last ball and took his team across the line.
Here is the video.
After lifting the trophy, the yellow team celebrated their win in a special way as they recreated a famous Instagram reel. In a video posted on the official Twitter account of CSK, Jadeja is seen entering the dressing room with the trophy in his hand. Later, all the players posted the trophy and recreated the popular trend.
B Sai Sudarshan slammed 96 runs in 47 balls as Gujarat Titans posted their target of 240 runs at the loss of four wickets after being asked to bat first.