A few days before the IPL 2024 auction retention and release came to an end, the legend of India, MS Dhoni, and his wife, Sakshi Dhoni, hosted his former Team India teammates, Suresh Raina and Pragyan Ojha, at his house. Raina retired from the IPL in 2022 but has maintained a close relationship with his former Team India and current Chennai Super Kings captain. Meanwhile, Ojha left cricket in 2020 and is currently part of the IPL governing body.
The Indian greats reunited just days after Dhoni and Sakshi went to his hometown of Lwali in Uttarakhand. Now, just three days before the IPL retention and release window deadline on November 26,
Raina posted two images, tagging both MS Dhoni and Sakshi Dhoni, with the caption, “Thank you so much for the great dinner, @sakshisingh_r and @mahi7781 bhai.”
On the other hand, Ojha, who is part of the IPL governing council, is also good friends with Dhoni. The left-arm orthodox spinner posted an image with the Chennai Super Kings skipper and former IPL player Suman Tirumalasetti on his Instagram account. Pragyan wrote while thanking Dhoni for hosting him, “Thank you, Mahi Bhai, for having me over for dinner! God bless you and your family.”